Welcome to the Southwest Healthcare Preparedness Coalition.
About Us
The Southwest Healthcare Preparedness Coalition consists of various organizations who work together to train, plan for, and respond to emergencies in the 16 counties of Southwest Minnesota.
The following groups are represented on the Coalition: Hospitals, Long-Term Care Facilities, Clinics, Public Health, Emergency Management, EMS, and other partners.
Vision: Attain sustainable emergency preparedness in Southwest Minnesota.
Mission: Prepare healthcare organizations to manage All-Hazard events.
Guiding Values/Principles:
1. Demonstrate integrity.
2. Maintain coalitions.
3. Promote Communication.
4. Be fiscally responsible.
5. Respect membership diversity.
Coalition Funding
The Southwest Healthcare Preparedness Coalition is currently funded through the Hospital Preparedness Program, or HPP, Grant. HPP is the only source of federal funding for health care delivery system readiness, intended to improve patient outcomes, minimize the need for federal and supplemental state resources during emergencies, and enable rapid recovery. Regional work is done pursuant to a pre-established workplan which focuses on four capabilities: Foundation for Health Care and Medical Readiness, Health Care and Medical Response Coordination, Continuity of Health Care Service Delivery, and Medical Surge. Each capability has numerous objectives, and each objective has several activities – for more information see here. The grant is set up at the federal level to operate on a five year project period, with fiscal years beginning July 1 of each year and ending June 30 of the following year.
Coalition Meetings
Coalition meetings occur quarterly on the fourth Wednesday of July, October, January, and April in Marshall, MN (meetings may be moved due to Holiday interference). During these meetings, there are recurring announcements with regards to 800 MHz and HAM radio tests, Coalition financial report, MNTrac announcements, and the previous Advisory Board meeting.
The RHPCs provide specific pertinent agenda items to discuss at this meeting. Items can include upcoming trainings, approved budgets, Minnesota Department of Health notices, or any other pressing items.
State and regional partners provide updates specific to their disciplines. This includes Local Public Health, Emergency Management, Epidemiologist, SW-EMS, HSEM, Regional Lab Representative, and Public Health Preparedness Consultant.
Coalition staff, workgroup committees, coalition members, and outside individuals or organizations provide an educational presentation.
What is an RHPC?
The Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinators, or RHPCs, organize regional preparedness activities and serve as an information clearinghouse.
Southwest Healthcare Preparedness Coalition RHPC’s are:
John Maatz RHPC-Lead
Ann Jenson RHPC-Manager
Kristin Peterson RHPC
What is MNResponds?
Minnesota Responds is a partnership that integrates and engages local, regional, and statewide volunteer programs to strengthen public health and health care, reduce vulnerability, build resilience, and improve preparedness, response and recovery capabilities.
Local volunteer coordinators mobilize health and “non-health” volunteers to respond to emergencies and/or improve health capacity within their community, or if the volunteer is interested, within the state. Whether you work in a health field or not, active or retired, if you have an interest in assisting your community or state, we invite you to register in Minnesota Responds.
For more information, please go to the following link: https://www.mnresponds.org/